
28 December 2012

HTC HD2 now runs Windows RT, cue slow claps for the undying spirit

This counts as the most wonderfully bizarre news of the day. HTC HD2, the long lost Windows mobile flagship device from HTC was initially denied the spanking new Windows Phone 7 operating system because of unknown reasons. But that didn’t stop a legion of hackers from XDA to port each and every available OS onto the HD2. The HD2 got everything from Android 2.2 to Windows Phone 8, so one guy @cotullacode(responsible for other ports) thought “why don’t we port Windows RT onto this?” and then Windows RT happened on the HD2. You can clap now.
The HTC HD2 has undoubtedly become the most hackable mobile device right now, largely thanks to the overwhelming community support in terms of drivers for Windows, Linux, Android and now, Windows RT. HTC, which also contributed in opening up the boot loader and the kernel, has let the field wide open for hackers to play in. With the community repeatedly porting one OS or the other to the HD2, it lived beyond its shelf life, and it is still deemed a valuable device.
Now, this @cotullacode guy has posted several screenshots of Windows RT running on the phone, including the desktop mode! Taking a look at the screenshots will make your eyes go wide, so if you are interested, do take a look at that guy’s twitter account, which is full of screenshots of Windows RT running on the HTC HD2. On that note, we do hope that the phone lives longer and eventually gets to run every single port of every OS, just for the heck of it!

Source Twitter via TheVerge via Fonearena

12 October 2012

HTC Lock Screen API Sample Code

The HTC Lock Screen API allows apps to offer people interactive customizations for the lock screen on some of HTC's latest devices like the One X. For example, the LockScreenDemo sample code downloaded with the SDK add-on from the Android SDK manager generates a touchable alarm clock in the center of the lock screen in the screenshot below:

The user chooses to use a lock screen provided by an app in their phone settings, under the personalization option. The app must not have a registered remote control client via the AudioManager.registerRemoteControlClient method for the chosen lock screen to appear. This is because registering a remote control client causes media information and playback controls to appear in the same area instead..

The app uses the AndroidManifest.xml to define the services it provides to render the lock screen. One service provides the lock screen for normal use. The other service provides the lock screen when the user is previewing it in the personalization settings. Permissions and libraries required by the lock screen also have to be declared in this file. The lock screen service should be defined in the manifest as disabled and only enabled when the lockscreen API is detected to prevent issues with older phones that had an incomplete API. Here is the relevant section of the manifest of the LockScreenDemo sample code with examples of the needed services:

<uses-permission a:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
uses-permission a:name="" />

application a:icon="@drawable/icon"

Libraries needed for the lockscreen API. -->
uses-library a:name=""
a:required="false" />
uses-library a:name=""
a:required="false" />

Activity to enable lockscreen service and prompt user on how to select it. -->
activity a:name="">
action a:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
category a:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
category a:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Service to show user a preview of the lockscreen in the lockscreen chooser. -->
service a:name="SamplePreviewService"
a:process=":preview" >
action a:name=""/>

Service to show user custom interactive lockscreen content before they unlock their phone. -->
Disabled by default so does not break on earlier versions of OpenSense where the API was different. --> 
service a:name="SampleService"
action a:name=""/>
Data that describes your lockscreen to the user in the lockscreen chooser. -->
meta-data a:name=""



The defined service must extend SimpleIdleScreenService and return a class that extends SimpleEngine from the onCreateEngine method. This engine sets the content view to use and defines how the lockscreen reacts to events. Compared to an Activity set to show in front of the system keyguard, using the HTC Lock Screen API allows working with the rest of the HTC lock screen functionality such as dragging user chosen apps into the circle to start them quickly. Compared to Live Wallpapers, the HTC Lock Screen API allows using full View hierarchies with click listeners. Live Wallpapers only support detecting touch to the entire surface at once and requires the developer to handle fine grained details. MotionEvents for ACTION_DOWN are limited, however, due to the need not to respond inside user's pockets. An example touch interaction is visible at the bottom of the LockScreenDemo service source code:

public class SampleService extends SimpleIdleScreenService {

public SimpleEngine onCreateEngine() {
return new IdleScreenRemoteEngine();

public class IdleScreenRemoteEngine extends SimpleEngine implements OnClickListenerOnTouchListener{

private Button mButton;
AlarmAnime mClock;

boolean mStart false;

IdleScreenRemoteEngine() {
public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder{
mClock = (AlarmAnime)this.findViewById(;
mButton = (Button)this.findViewById(;
public void onStart() {   
public void onResume() {
public void onPause() {
public void onStop() {
public void onDestroy() {
public void onClick(View view{
if (!mStart{
mStart true;
else {
mStart false;

public boolean onTouch(View arg0MotionEvent event{
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN{
return false;
For this sample code, when touched, the alarm clock starts to animate bouncing side to side:

An Activity in the application should detect the lockscreen API, enable the service, and prompt the user to use the lockscreen if desired. The lock screen offered by the app will be offered in the phone's personalization settings once the service is enabled. Here is the Activity that does that from the LockScreenDemo sample code:

public class SetupActivity extends Activity {

private static final String LOG_TAG "LockScreenDemo SetupActivity";

  private static final 

protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState{
TextView text = (TextViewfindViewById(;

// Check for lockscreen API.
final boolean isNewLockscreenApiSupported isNewLockscreenApiSupported();
Log.i(LOG_TAG"isNewLockscreenApi: " isNewLockscreenApiSupported);

// If not supported, let the user know and finish executing.
if ( !isNewLockscreenApiSupported {
// Otherwise enable lockscreen service and let user know how to enable.
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(thisSampleService.class);
Log.i(LOG_TAG"enabling service: " name);
PackageManager pm = (PackageManagergetPackageManager(); 

   * @return true if the lockscreen API is supported
public static final boolean isNewLockscreenApiSupported() {
try {
catch (final ClassNotFoundException e{
return false;

The second sample project, LockScreenSupportDemo wraps the current API to provide the ability to test your code in the emulator as well as testing on current Sense 4 roms that have not yet been updated to the current lock screen API. The older API (referred to as legacy in the sample project) is deprecated but provided for early access testing on current devices.
The following code illustrates the common code implementation of the lock screen example found in the previous example with one minor change, instead of using a button, a touch event is handled to toggle the clock's movement.
public class LockScreenImpl extends LockScreenImplBase implements LockScreenListenerOnTouchListener {

private AlarmAnime mClock;
boolean mStart;

LockScreenImpl(SampleService.IdleScreenRemoteEngine context{
// support for older deprecated API
public LockScreenImpl(SampleServiceLegacy.IdleScreenRemoteEngine context{
// support for running in an activity (emulator)
public LockScreenImpl(Activity context{

public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder{

mClock = (AlarmAnimefindViewById(;

public boolean onTouch(View viewMotionEvent event{
if (view.getId() =={
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP{
if (!mStart{
.w("SampleService""START animation");
mStart true;
else {
.w("SampleService""STOP animation");
mStart false;
else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN{
return true;
return false;
public void onStart() {
public void onResume() {
public void onPause() {
public void onStop() {
public void onDestroy() {
As with the previous sample, life cycle methods are provided here but as overridden methods. The full source code for the wrapper is available as part of the sample project.

Emulator test mode:

Source: HTCDEV